Zero-fee, Decentralized Exchange Launches on Stellar

2 min read

StellarX is the name given to the feeless, all-encompassing decentralized exchange. All-encompassing in that soon there will be stocks, bonds real estate etc. available to trade. Saying this is one thing and accomplishing it is another, however, they have already lived up to the zero-fee part. “Trading on StellarX is completely free because the Stellar network fees are so low we can refund them out-of-pocket” The beauty is in how quickly one can sign and up and begin trading. An email and password is all that is required. No lengthy KYC procedure and 6-week verification process. StellarX does offer KYC services for asset…...

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Perri Corsello I am a college graduate with degrees in both neuroscience and psychology. Early in my life, I had a powerful spiritual experience and ever since was infatuated with discovering how those sensations, feelings, and thoughts occurred, beginning my journey into the world of neuroscience. I now work at a lab that studies neurological disorders. I only recently became interested in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and the entire ethos behind it fascinates me. Therefore, I decided to utilize my writing and research skills gained in college and apply them to writing articles pertaining to these topics. I also still enjoy writing about neuroscience. Some of my hobbies include dirt biking, skiing and producing electronic music.

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